Shows on this Site: 500 to Present | 001 to 499 | Lost Episodes Appeal |
Off Site: Permanent Archives for when we’re all dead (RIP)
Podcast Feeds:

Main Podcast (Recommended)
Select your app here to get Into Your Head podcast easily in your app of choice.
Just need the feed URL? Click or tap this address to copy it:

Low BitRate Edition
For the bandwidth impaired, a lightweight 32kpbs edition of Into Your Head. Older episodes not included.
Get it in Pod LP or Apple Podcasts or paste this RSS address into any app:

ALT Archive Backup Feed 1
This self-hosted feed should work for a while after the main podcast (hosted on LibSyn) goes away.
Permanent Off-Site Archives for When We’re all Dead (RIP)
STASH ONE: Neal’s Uploads to Archive dot org

This page of uploads by me, Neal O’Carroll has all avaiable episodes of Into Your Head, not neccessarily in any order.
Seperately, many disorganised episodes randomly uploaded by myself over the years can be found by searching for “Into Your Head podcast Neal“ or some such nonsense. Please note on some older uploads I called myself Neal from Ireland. Presumably to add mystique.
STASH TWO: Frank’s uploads – via The Overnightscape Underground podcast – to ONSUG RADIO Collection on Archive dot org

The Overnightscape Undeground ( is a massive podcast feed of monologual talk shows and miscellaneous audio gems that has grown out of Frank Edward Nora’s The Overnightscape and it’s community of contributors. It’s contents are meticulously organised and preserved on Archive dot org by Frank in his collection on
Into Your Head is also part of in Frank Edward Nora’s ONSUG Radio collection – Starting with the section called Onsug Radio – Channel 686 – Into Your Head which comprises 200+ episodes of Into Your Head. All subsequent episodes (since Into Your Head’s Autumn 2023 comeback) are kindly added in batches by Frank via his Overnightscape Underground ( site and podcast feed from where they later find their way to “incoming shows” in overall collection.
EXPERIMENTAL: – Wayback Machine Companion site for the Archive dot org files:
A work in progress and somewhat experimental since I’ll never find out if works, is a permanent companion site for the shows that are preserved on The idea is that flying space car owners can find it by searching for:
on’s WayBack Machine.
People who stumble across Archive dot org Stash 1 (Neal’s Uploads) will see a cover image inviting them to go to the Wayback Machine and search for caches of